Terms of Service

By doing business with us, you agree to our Terms of Service. These Terms of Service apply to NON-COMMERCIAL projects only. For commercial projects, terms will be defined via contract.

Quotes, Pricing, and Payment

  • Prices are subject to change without notice; quotes and previously discussed exceptions prior to price updates are not affected.

  • Given a complete description of the commissioned piece, a quote will be provided. Quotes are good for 30 days.

  • The client should already have a general idea of what they want before initiating contact with the artist. If the client is unsure about certain details, the artist can provide suggestions, but the core of the commission should already have been decided. This helps to keep quotes at a low or no cost.

  • Reference pictures and/or photos should be provided by the client when appropriate. Supplementary references may be suggested by the artist if the artist finds certain details unclear.

  • If, after work has begun or been completed, a client never follows through with the full commission, they may be barred from further commissions until that commission is completed or otherwise resolved.

  • The artist reserves the right to refuse any commission for any reason.

  • For Commissions under $100, Full payment is required prior to the artist beginning the work unless discussed otherwise.

  • Commissions up to $1000

    • Half payment is required prior to work starting, with the other half upon completion.

    • Down payments are non-refundable once work has begun.

    • Preparatory sketch work is not provided for client approval unless specifically requested.

    • Excessive requests to change or alter work after it is started will incur additional fees.

    • Changes to a completed work is an additional project and will be treated as such, including price.

  • Commissions over $1000

    • For commissions over $1000, initial quotes are preliminary.

    • The preliminary quote is subject to change during the start of the building period, This is due to materials on large projects not being purchased all at once. The client may ONLY request changes be made during this period. If excessive changes are requested, an additional down payment may be required before further work.

    • Initial payment is due within 14 days of when the Client approves of a sketch and a final quote is provided. Failure to render payment within the specified time may null the commission and provided quote.

    • By default, the final payment is due before finishing work begins, but other options can be discussed and arranged for.

    • For commissions done in multiple payments, all payments already received are nonrefundable.

    • For commissions paid in full upfront, a partial refund can be arranged depending on the amount of work already completed.

    • If the artist has already finished all work pertaining to the commission, it is nonrefundable.

  • The Artist is not responsible for shipped goods after they enter the postal system.

Contact, Communication, and Cancellation

  • At any point during a commission, if the artist does not receive a needed reply from the client within two weeks (14 days), the commission may be canceled. If payment has already been received in whole or part, full or partial refunds are left to the artist’s discretion depending on the amount of work completed.

  • Estimated turnaround is provided at the time of the first payment unless a deadline has already been discussed. If unexpected issues arise, the artist will contact the client as soon as possible to provide a new estimated completion date. If this becomes excessive, the client may request a full or partial refund, depending on the amount of work already completed.

  • For more intensive commissions, the artist may provide periodic updates at various steps like drafts, prototypes, finish, etc. If a multiple payment plan is arranged, these updates will generally coincide with each partial payment. For smaller commissions, to provide prompt turnarounds, no periodic updates are provided unless specifically requested.

  • The artist does not necessarily work on commissions on a first-come, first-served basis. Smaller commissions may be bumped in front of larger commissions for convenience, and several projects may be worked on concurrently. The faster we receive the down payment, the faster your project goes into the queue.

  • The artist may cancel the commission at any time if the client is excessively or continuously rude, demanding, childish, or inappropriate. The client will not be refunded and will be blacklisted.

  • The artist may refuse service to any client for any reason.

Display, Usage, and Rights on art pieces

  • The client may use artwork only for non-commercial, non-promotional purposes unless discussed beforehand.

  • The artist may display commissioned work on any personal website or gallery, create other products, use commissioned work in promotional materials, etc. If the commissioned work is a time-sensitive gift, the artist may delay public showcase at the request of the client.

  • If the art is a temporary display (ie a gallery), the artist reserves the right to sell the piece at a later date.

  • Under the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (Pub.L. 101–650 title VI, 17 U.S.C. § 106A), the client cannot claim authorship of art pieces. Furthermore, they cannot distort, modify, or mutilate an art piece in a way that would be prejudicial to our artists’ reputation.

Updated 2/26/2021

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